10 Best Essential Oils for Energy

Are you tired of relying on caffeine to get through your day? Essential oils may be the solution you’ve been looking for. These powerful and aromatic oils have the ability to invigorate and energize the mind and body, naturally. With so many different varieties available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. From the refreshing scent of peppermint to the uplifting aroma of orange, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best essential oils for energy. Incorporating these oils into your daily routine will leave you feeling refreshed, focused, and ready to take on the day. Say goodbye to mid-day crashes and hello to a natural energy boost with these essential oils.

How to Identify Low Energy

Feeling tired every now and then is a completely normal thing, but when it becomes a daily occurrence, there may be something else going on. It’s important to take a closer look at ourselves and assess whether we need to make some beneficial and healthy lifestyle changes. 

There are several common symptoms of fatigue that we should look out for. Pay attention to whether you feel sleepy throughout the day, experience difficulty waking up, or find it hard to concentrate – these are all red flags that indicate low energy levels. By taking note of these signs, you can identify low energy and make the necessary changes to boost your overall wellbeing.

Essential Oils for Energy

diy body wash

Peppermint Essential Oil

Aroma: Sharp & Minty

If you find yourself in need of a pick-me-up during the day, Peppermint Essential Oil may be just what you need. Not only does it offer a refreshing and invigorating scent, but a study1 has shown that inhaling a combination of essential oils (including peppermint) can increase alertness and banish fatigue.

Lemon Essential Oil

Aroma: Sweet & Citrusy

Lemon Essential Oil is highly regarded for its uplifting and energizing properties. It has a zesty and refreshing aroma that can instantly perk up your mood. Whether you’re feeling sluggish in the morning or need a boost during the day, this oil can help.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Aroma: Herbal & Woody

Not only can Rosemary Essential Oil be a game-changer for energy levels, but a study2 has shown that just the aroma of Rosemary Oil can even reduce stress levels as well. Imagine being able to tackle your day with a clear and focused mind, all while feeling motivated and energized.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Aroma: Clean & Herbaceous

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is known for its energizing properties, making it the perfect pick-me-up when you need to power through a long day. But that’s not all – a recent study3 found that Eucalyptus Oil also has anti-anxiety properties, which can help to ease stress and calm your mind.

Orange Essential Oil

Aroma: Sweet & Citrusy

Orange Essential Oil uplifts your spirit and gives you a much-needed boost of energy. Research4 has also shown that it has the power to soothe anxiety. So, if you’re feeling down and stressed out, just a few drops of Orange Oil will have you feeling like a brand new person in no time.

Lime Essential Oil

Aroma: Fresh & Citrusy

Looking for a natural way to boost your energy levels and creativity? Look no further than Lime Essential Oil. This refreshing and citrusy oil has been known to uplift and invigorate, providing a natural energy boost when you need it most. But that’s not all – a study5 has shown that Lime Oil may also enhance your creative abilities, helping you tap into your imagination and come up with new ideas.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Aroma: Citrusy & Floral

Bergamot essential oil is known for its uplifting properties, making it a great choice for those who need a little extra pep in their step. Not only does Bergamot Oil provide an all-natural energy boost, but it also has a delightful, citrusy scent that can help to perk up your mood.

Spearmint Essential Oil

Aroma: Sweet & Minty

Are you in need of a little energy boost during your busy day? Look no further than Spearmint Essential Oil. Not only does it provide a natural energy boost, but it also has calming properties that can help decrease anxiety and improve sleep according to a study6.

Pine Essential Oil

Aroma: Evergreen & Woody

If you’re feeling sluggish and need a boost of energy, Pine Essential Oil just might be your new favorite scent. This fragrant oil is known for its energizing and invigorating properties. Whether you’re looking for a natural pick-me-up during the day or trying to wake up for your morning workout, Pine Oil can help you feel more alert and focused. 

Energy Essential Oil Blend

Aroma: Fresh & Invigorating

Energy Essential Oil Blend is a specially formulated blend of essential oils that can help to clear your mind, elevate your mood, and provide the pep in your step that you need to tackle whatever the day throws your way. This synergy blend of oils is specially designed to boost your energy levels and leave you feeling recharged and revitalized

How to Use Essential Oils for Energy

sleep diffuser blends


One of the most effective ways to use these oils is through diffusion. By simply adding a few drops of essential oil to your diffuser, you can instantly create a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere. From workout motivation to afternoon slumps, the possibilities are endless!

Add in All-Natural Recipes

Another approach is to incorporate essential oils into all-natural recipes that you can use in your personal care, bath and shower, wellness routine, and more. For instance, you could mix peppermint oil with coconut oil for an invigorating massage or mix lemon oil in your lotion to perk up your mood. These DIY remedies not only feel great, but they also allow you to control the ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals.

Essential Oil Best Practices

  • Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. Essential oils are unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If the oil has been oxidized (left with the cap off for long periods of time) it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly. 
  • We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post
  • To ensure you are getting the most out of your essential oils, it is essential to buy from a reputable source like Simply Earth and only use 100% pure essential oils. Synthetic oils can contain harmful chemicals and additives that can be harmful to your health and the environment. By purchasing from a trusted source, you can be sure that the essential oils you are using are of the highest quality and purity.

Other Ways to Energize Your Body

sleep balm


Getting enough quality sleep can have a huge impact on your energy levels throughout the day. When you sleep, your body goes through important restorative processes that help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. But it’s not just about getting enough hours of sleep – the quality of your sleep is also important. To improve the quality of your sleep, try establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing your sleep environment by making sure it’s dark, quiet, and cool.

Here are the 10 Best Essential Oils for Sleep that can assist you snooze naturally. 

Nourish Your Body

Did you know that the food you eat can have a huge impact on your energy levels? By nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods, you can give yourself a natural energy boost. Incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet can provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay energized throughout the day. And don’t forget about hydration! Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining energy levels and keeping fatigue at bay.

Get Moving

If you’re looking for other ways to get energized, then break a sweat and get moving with exercise! Whether it’s taking a brisk walk around your neighborhood, trying out a new fitness class, or hitting the gym to lift some weights, exercise is a fantastic way to wake up your body and mind. Not only does exercise help you feel more alert and focused, but it also releases endorphins in your brain that boost your mood and reduce stress.


  1. Li Z, Wu F, Shao H, Zhang Y, Fan A, Li F. Does the Fragrance of Essential Oils Alleviate the Fatigue Induced by Exercise? A Biochemical Indicator Test in Rats. 2017
  2. McCaffrey R, Thomas DJ, Kinzelman AO. The effects of lavender and rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing students. 2009 Mar-Apr
  3. Kim KY, Seo HJ, Min SS, Park M, Seol GH. The effect of 1,8-cineole inhalation on preoperative anxiety: a randomized clinical trial. 2014 Jun 
  4. Rashidi-Fakari F, Tabatabaeichehr M, Mortazavi H. The effect of aromatherapy by essential oil of orange on anxiety during labor: A randomized clinical trial. 2015 Nov-Dec
  5. Scott Frothingham. 18 Essential Oils You Can Use to Boost Your Energy. 2019 Aug
  6. Caro DC, Rivera DE, Ocampo Y, Franco LA, Salas RD. Pharmacological Evaluation of Mentha spicata L. and Plantago major L., Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Anxiety and Insomnia in Colombian Caribbean Coast. 2018 Aug