Do you use essential oils when you travel?

Traveling is probably my favorite luxury. I save a portion of my salary every month so I can go on different adventures either alone, with friends, or with my family. Whenever I go to a new city, I do research on what to do, where to go, and what to eat. Sometimes I revisit cities I’ve been to before but take different routes. I usually try what the locals do, but of course, that also depends on where I’m headed.
When traveling, having an emergency kit is a must for me since I get migraines left and right. After thorough research, I found out that the medicine I’ve been taking can cause severe damage to my kidneys, which is why I’m trying to incorporate more essential oils in my life.
Here are the essential oils I packed for my latest adventure:
Essential Oils for Traveling

Peppermint Essential Oil
My least favorite part of traveling is getting car sick. You might think after all these years of traveling and riding cars that I should probably be used to it. Nope. Sorry to disappoint you (mostly myself, really), but I’m still not used to it! What helps me get through the nausea is having Peppermint Essential Oil in an inhaler. A little sniff helps me see and explore other cities without having to use the B(arf) bag.
Peppermint Essential Oil is a proven remedy for nausea1. It also has properties that help soothe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation2. With Peppermint Oil, you’ll instantly feel a little pick-me-up during that car ride.
Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Unfortunately, not all hotel or hostel rooms are created equal. Some just have that funky smell you can’t seem to get rid of even with all the windows open. A citrus essential oil like sweet orange can help you with this problem. Before leaving your home, you can put some in a spray bottle with water. When you find yourself in an unpleasant-smelling room, just spray it around.
Sweet Orange Essential Oil not only keeps your room smelling good, but it also keeps it clean. It has antibacterial properties3 that will help keep you healthy throughout your stay. Research even says that this essential oil works better than other chemicals used to clean rooms.
Peace & Quiet Essential Oil Blend
Finding yourself waiting for your connecting flight to come can be stressful and tiring. The busy airport can be overwhelming and can make the world feel like it’s spinning. This is the perfect time to get your Peace & Quiet Essential Oil Blend out. It inspires you to have a peaceful and quiet mind amidst the chaos that surrounds you.
Our Peace & Quiet blend is a mix of citrus and sensual notes that will help you relax and uplift your soul. You can find subtle hints of Sweet Orange, Frankincense, cedarwood, and Lime Essential Oils in the blend. It is truly relaxing and perfect after a busy day.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Of all the essential oils available in the market today, Tea Tree Oil is probably one of the popular for a very good reason. Tea Tree Essential Oil is amazingly versatile. It can be used as a natural antiseptic4 to treat cuts, cold sores, and insect bites. After a long day in the sun, Tea Tree Essential Oil can be applied to the skin to soothe sunburn. Make sure it is diluted!
Lavender Essential Oil
Like Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Essential Oil is widely known in the essential oil world. It is also versatile and can be used from top to toe. Flying in an airplane can cause swollen feet and ankles which makes it painful to walk around. Use Lavender Essential Oil to stimulate blood circulation and ease the pain5.
When you’re sleeping in a different room and have different pillows, falling asleep can be a problem. Lavender Essential Oil can also help you sleep better6 at night and also helps children settle down easier in an unfamiliar place.
Geranium Essential Oil
If you’ve been following our blog, you will know that geranium is a great essential oil for the skin. But did you know that it also soothes pain and inflammation7? It also has antibacterial properties8 to keep you away from bad germs, precisely the reason why it should be part of your traveling essential oil kit.
When you travel through different climates, the chances of your skin getting dry is high. It becomes itchy and even prickly in some areas! No worries, Geranium Essential Oil can help with that too!
Bergamot Essential Oil
If you have asthma like me, having Bergamot Essential Oil is a must. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties9 that help ease congestion, cough, and asthma. This wonderful essential oil also helps improve mood10 and can even make you mentally alert.
Amyris Essential Oil
Amyris Essential Oil may not be the most popular but it sure has a ton of benefits. It can be used for chest congestion and to soothe restlessness. Just like Bergamot and Lavender, Amyris Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory properties, earning it a spot in your travel first aid kit.11

How to Safely Travel with Essential Oils

Whenever you travel, you don’t exactly feel safe seeing your luggage getting whisked away. They get tossed and thrown a lot, especially if you’re traveling by air. If they were people, they’d be black and blue by the time they get to their destination. So, here are some tips on how you can safely travel with your essential oils.
- Get a good carrying case. They don’t need to be expensive. Find a size that fits right in your carry-on bag. You can bring them with you on a flight but be sure to check with TSA’s rules on how much liquid you can carry.
- Have a roll-on version. Simply Earth has smaller roll-on versions of many of our big bottles, which are easier to travel with. They’ll fit perfectly in your toiletry bag too.
- Diffuse or no? Well, it depends. If you’re staying for a long time, bringing your Simply Earth Diffuser is a good idea, but if you’re only staying for a night or two, the better option is to leave it at home.
- Don’t forget to bring a carrier oil. Some essential oils are too harsh to put on topically on the skin and diluting them is a must. If you have a big bottle, you can get small bottles from the store and put them there.
*Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA
What Essential Oils Do You Bring When You Travel?

We’d love to hear about it on social media with @fromsimplyearth and in the comments below!
To learn more about how to use essential oils, check out our Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. When you subscribe, we’ll ship you a monthly supply of four 100% pure essential oils, six natural recipes, and all the quality ingredients you’ll need to make your own wonderful products for just $44.99/month. All of these goodies have over $100 value, plus we’ll give you a FREE Big Bonus Box when you subscribe.
Subscribe today to learn how to use essential oils!
- Briggs P, Hawrylack H, Mooney R, Inhaled peppermint oil for postop nausea in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, 2016 Jul
- Alammar N, Wang L, Saberi B, et al, The impact of peppermint oil on the irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis of the pooled clinical data, 2019 Jan
- Pendleton SJ, Crandall PG, Ricke SC, Goodridge L, O’Bryan CA, Inhibition of beef isolates of E. coli O157:H7 by orange oil at various temperatures, 2012 May
- Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV, Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) oil: a review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties, 2006 Jan
- Silva GL, Luft C, Lunardelli A, Amaral RH, Melo DA, Donadio MV, Nunes FB, de Azambuja MS, Santana JC, Moraes CM, Mello RO, Cassel E, Pereira MA, de Oliveira JR, Antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of lavender essential oil, 2015 Aug
- Namni Goel, Hyungsoo Kim, Raymund Lao, An Olfactory Stimulus Modifies Nighttime Sleep in Young Men and Women, 2009 Jul
- Boukhatem MN, Kameli A, Ferhat MA, Saidi F, Mekarnia M, Rose geranium essential oil as a source of new and safe anti-inflammatory drugs, 2013 Oct
- Orchard A, van Vuuren S, Commercial Essential Oils as Potential Antimicrobials to Treat Skin Diseases, 2017 May
- Hannah Lamarque, 5 Essential Oils To Help You Deal With Asthma, 2020 May
- Watanabe E, Kuchta K, Kimura M, Rauwald HW, Kamei T, Imanishi J, Effects of bergamot ( Citrus bergamia (Risso) Wright & Arn.) essential oil aromatherapy on mood states, parasympathetic nervous system activity, and salivary cortisol levels in 41 healthy females, 2015 Feb
- John Staughton, 9 Incredible Amyris Essential Oil Benefits & Uses, 2020 Feb