In all honesty, the effects of this pandemic have lasted a lot longer than I thought they would. I would consider myself an introvert who doesn’t normally need anything other than Netflix and food to get by, but even I am ready for human interaction again. Social isolation, heightened tensions, and stress about the unknown can definitely take a toll on an individual.
Although this time seems to be out of control, self-care is not something you should let fall through the cracks! Even though you might not see human beings daily, you can still take care of yourself for your own benefit.
Now is the time to take charge of your self-care routine from home! Making sure you have some “you time” can be a great stress reliever and a way to relax given the current circumstances. These self-care tips during COVID-19 can be a new way for you to unwind.
Relax Your Body

Alright, so we all can admit that this year is not at all how we expected it would be. Starting a new decade sounded so fun and exciting and this year is definitely… not that. Tension and stress have been evident in my life and trying to find different ways to relieve that has been a challenge.
Stress has caused my body to tense up and becomes sore like never before. One thing that I have found to help with this is the Muscle Soothing Roll On (coming soon). Putting this on my aching muscles has helped ease the tension that seemed relentless for a while.
Spruce Up the Vessel

I will be completely honest with you, when I know I’m not going to see people for a while, I will let my physical appearance go a bit. One area in particular is shaving my legs. It just seems like such a hassle when they will be covered by leggings and fuzzy blankets anyways.
Well, once I discovered the wonders of Exfoliating Body Polish (coming soon), I realized how nice it is to have smooth and silky legs for my own benefit. Body polish is something that is new to me, it’s a two in one scrub that exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time!
Hydration is Key

When I sit inside all day, or even for a few days in a row, my skin gets super dried out! Dry skin is a pet peeve of mine, I can’t stand it when my face starts to get all flakey, red, and aggravated. With the summer season winding down, it’s bound to happen to most of us due to the dryness of fall.
Although drinking lots of water can help with this issue, there is a Natural Hydrating Body Spray (coming soon) that can also lock in the moisture needed to keep skin looking nice and fresh. Using this spray when you feel the effects of dry skin creeping in can greatly increase the likelihood of nipping the issue in the bud.
Lock in the Lotion

Lotion can be dry skin’s best friend. All the different scents out there can be fun to experiment with, but it can sometimes be difficult to find products that actually work like you want them to! Personally, I have found that some lotions work well for a short amount of time, but they don’t fix the underlying issue of dryness.
Many mainstream lotions are loaded with extra junk that does not legitimately nourish your skin in a way that allows it to maintain moisture on its own. They also often have fake fragrances that are loaded with toxins. These things combined can cause your skin to get dependent on lotion rather than getting it back to its original state [i].
One way to fix this issue of experimenting with different name brand lotions would be to make your own! It can be a fun project to do while you have some time on your hands. This Natural Lotion Recipe (coming soon) gives you something to make while also doing your body some good too! The essential oils in this recipe are very calming and uplifting, which can help with your overall mood.
Tackle Your Feet

Let’s face it, feet are usually one of the last things we want to worry about when thinking about different self-care tips. People either love to take care of their feet or can’t stand it and don’t do anything for them whatsoever. No matter what state your feet are in, it is important to give them some attention every once in a while!
Taking care of your feet doesn’t necessarily mean you need to make them look beautiful all the time, but it is good for them to get some good cleaning. Cleansing your feet can help different parts of your body feel better too! This Cleansing Foot Soak (coming soon) can work wonders for your overall mood and help your feet bounce back to life.
Bring on the Scents

One thing that can definitely make the best self-care tips list is having good aromas around the house. I love being able to mix and match oils to find amazing smells that fill the house and boost my mood.
Being stuck in your house can sometimes make you go nose-blind to the underlying smells that linger in your home. Once it comes time to start adventuring out and having people come into your home, you’re going to want to make sure your living quarters have a pleasant and inviting smell.
With the fall season coming into full swing, having a diffuser full of autumn goodness is something that can lighten people’s spirits. The It’s Fall Y’all Diffuser Blend (coming soon) is a perfect combination of fresh scented essential oils that will bring a whole new feeling to your home.
Kick Colds to the Curb

It seems like every fall my body decides it’s time to have little colds that produce the sniffles. Although it may not seem like a big deal, little colds can be a pain! Keeping your body healthy is super important no matter what life situation is going on.
Pumping fluids, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising are all good things to do to keep your body in gear, but sometimes those things slip and a cold creeps up. When that happens, there is an essential oil blend to help! Breathe Easy is made with Cedarwood, Fir Needle, Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemongrass, and Patchouli essential oils. This combination is sure to clear up those nasal passages.
Try this blend in a diffuser, roll on, or different rubs such as Breathe Easy DIY Vapor Rub and Breathe Easy DIY All Natural Chest Rub.
Face the Facial

We all know that our faces are usually the first thing people notice about us. Once it’s time to go out into the world again, I want my face to be glowing, and I’m sure y’all do too! Taking care of your skin is always important, but sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly what routine works for you.
There are many oils out there that can be beneficial for your skin, but Mandarin Essential Oil in particular can help your skin look rejuvenated, young, and vibrant. Along with Mandarin, almost any citrus essential oil can benefit your skin in one way or another, it all depends on your specific skin type!
How Will You Take on the Pandemic?

Do any of these tips sound appealing to you? Are you going to test any of them out? Have any suggestions or different tips for us? We’d love to hear all about it on social media @fromsimplyearth or comment below.
If you’re interested in even more toxin-free home hacks, check out our Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. In each month, you’ll get four pure essential oils, six natural recipes, and extra ingredients you need to create them. You’ll also get a FREE Big Bonus Box when you first subscribe. All of these essential oil goodies are delivered right to your door for just $44.99/month.
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