While in college, I saved a few bucks by living in a simple apartment complex that advertised itself as “homey”. This homey atmosphere was brought to life by mystery wall stains, bathtub faucet handles that stayed attached only on occasion, and a smell that definitely made me wonder whether there were living organisms in the carpet.
Human being to human being, your home’s smell has gone off its rocker a time or two. While this is 100% normal and relatable, your home’s rank stink probably has a bigger impact that you realize. Think about it: your nose has most likely desensitized itself to the true magnitude of the stench at hand, you end up smelling a decent amount like your home as it’s one of your most common surroundings, and your house’s scent plays a huge roll in the the first impression literally anyone has when they visit your living space.
The bottom line? You need to get your home’s smell right— and natural odor eliminators can help you do so. If you can empathize with my college living quarter’s stagnant stink and you’re wondering “How do I get rid of a bad smell in my house?” keep on reading. We’ll cover all sorts of all-natural household odor eliminators. Creating a stinkless home without the harm of toxins is easy and affordable. Yes, you may go ahead and get excited.
Stink-Defying Diffusers

Perhaps this is stating the obvious, but using a diffuser to disperse the aroma of pure essential oils is one of the most convenient natural household odor eliminators out there. In case you’re unfamiliar, there are two main types of diffusers.
Electronic diffusers allow you to fill your home with aromas using the tap of a button. I just recently bought my first electronic diffuser and I’m a total sucker for how quickly and effortlessly I can make my house smell like any scent of my choosing.
DIY diffusers allow you to combine your desire to fight stink while fostering your creativity. Try a natural reed diffuser or a unique lava rock diffuser. Either of these diffusers are perfect for those looking for a subtle diffusion option.
P.S.- If you need some serious stink-busting help, this Defeat the Reek Diffuser Blend uses essential oils that have specific odor and bacteria-fighting properties.
Fresh Flowers

Why does this natural odor remover sound so simple? Because it is! Fetching some fresh flowers from outside requires minimal effort while delivering maximum room-boosting results.
Lilacs, lavender, scented geraniums, fragrant orchids, and gardenias are just a few examples of flowers with pleasantly strong scents. Boom, now you have a room’s smell and aesthetics covered.
Natural Scented Candles

I’m pretty sure your thought process while reading this heading went a little something like: “Duh, candles are used all the time to make all sorts of places smell good.”
While you’re not wrong, have you ever considered what in blazes is actually in a generic candle? The ingredient that bugs me the most is “fragrances”. Since I prefer to know that my candles’ scents come from real, natural ingredients (rather than ambiguous chemicals) essential oil-based candles are always a go-to. Plus, creating essential oil candles allows you to choose exactly how your home will smell.
Melt 1.5 ounces of soy wax, ½ tbsp of beeswax, and ½ tbsp of solid coconut oil in a double boiler or microwave. Remove your mixture from heat and add 40 drops of your favorite essential oils. After mixing in your oils super well, place a wick of your choice in a small container and pour in your concoction. Once it’s cooled, you’ve got yourself a toxin-free candle odor eliminator.
Open Airflow

One of the downfalls of my cute yet smelly college apartment was airflow. Rather than design being at fault, the fact that I lived in the middle of the scorching desert limited my open window/screen door hours to night time. Guess who’d usually forget to open up the apartment before hunkering into the couch for a Netflix session? This gal.
Do as I say, not as I do. Opening up your home and getting air moving is important, even if you’re in the middle of a binge-worthy show. Your fresh-smelling home will thank you.
Fragrant Cooking

Even if you think you stink at cooking, using a few culinary hacks can defunk your house in no time. No worries, this is the kind of “cooking” where you don’t have to do much and, as an additional little perk, you probably have what you need to follow these hacks in your own home.
Stove simmers could. not. be. easier. Chuck five cups of water in a saucepan. Throw whatever else you want (orange peels, vanilla beans, cinnamon sticks, cloves, apples, etc.) in the said saucepan. You can then heat this mixture to a simmer for several hours and simply add water as needed.
Baking vanilla in your oven can fool anyone into thinking that you make cookies in your house 24/7. Plop 2 teaspoons of vanilla into a mug while heating your oven to 300 degrees. Leave your mug in the oven for an hour to make your home smell like you live inside of a fresh, warm, gooey cookie.
Lastly, a natural wax melter alternative makes for an easily customizable and toxin-free odor remover. While using a small saucepan or an actual wax melter, melt a tablespoon of solid coconut oil with six drops of your favorite essential oil. If you’re not sure where to turn for a trusty fall scent, this Defeat the Reek diffuser blend is my personal favorite.
Carefree Carpet Freshener

Ah yes, these last two tips are my favorite. Like I said, my college apartment’s carpet was a source of wonder as I tried to decipher how and why on my earth floor smelled the way it did. It was this carpet that led me to become, if you will, a vacuuming strategist.
This first part of my vacuuming game plan always begins with a strong carpet freshener. Thanks to natural carpet freshener options, this natural odor remover step doesn’t have to cost much—nor does it require much effort! All you need to do is mix together ½ cup of baking soda, ½ cup of borax, and 40 drops of essential oil in a shaker container of some sort (a parmesan cheese shaker or an old pringles can with holes poked in the top does wonderfully). You’ll then lightly dust your carpet with this mixture an hour or two before you plan on vacuuming. As far as essential oil options, I’m usually a loyal lavender user. That being said, I’ve been into using a 3:1 ratio of Blood Orange Essential Oil to Clove Essential Oil lately for a fall-specific aroma.
Stealthy Vacuum Odor Eliminator

The second step in my carpet conquering tactic is probably one of the most effortless household odor eliminators out there. Are you ready? Just add a few drops of essential oil to your vacuum’s bag or dust container. For best results, be sure to place this oil near your vacuum’s exhaust port, or wherever your vacuum pushes out clean air. I’d also recommend using the same essential oils that you used in your DIY carpet cleaner so you don’t end up with conflicting scents.
As your vacuum pushes out the air that’s been filtered, it’ll diffuse the aroma of your essential oils as well. In other words, you can diffuse awesome smells while simultaneously cleaning. Following up your natural carpet freshener with this order-fighting multitasking step can work wonders on even the most questionable of room odors.
Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor.
How’s Your Natural-Smelling Home?

Noticing a pattern here? I wasn’t kidding when I said that using natural household odor eliminators are both easy and affordable. While I said that I’m a total geek about getting rid of carpet stink, we’re curious: what’s your favorite natural household odor eliminators? Comment below!
If you’re interested in even more toxin-free home hacks, check out our Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. In each month, you’ll get four pure essential oils, six natural recipes, and extra ingredients you need to create them. You’ll also get a FREE Big Bonus Box when you first subscribe. All of these essential oil goodies are delivered right to your door for just $44.99/month.
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