Win This Fight has a goal to raise $100 million over three years through the generosity of donors gifting valuable possessions such as art, jewelry, cars, china, collections, and boats to save the lives of thousands of victims and prevent trafficking of thousands more.
Mitzi and Win This Fight

Mitzi Perdue is the founder and president of Win this Fight, an Anti-Trafficking Organization. What is unique about Win This Fight is that they also raise funds for other anti-trafficking organizations.
Mitzi has spoken on about 130 podcasts and written 80 articles about human trafficking. Her father founded the Sheraton hotel chain and her late husband started a poultry business. Being in a reputable family and a well-known businesswoman, writer, and speaker, she is using her influence to spread awareness.
How It Started
On March 11, 2019, Mitzi attended a lecture on human trafficking where she saw photos of young girls (ages 10-12) who were trafficked. She discovered that victims’ life expectancy was less than 7 years unless they were rescued. They would, more likely, die of overdose, suicide, disease, or be murdered for organ harvesting. She also learned from the United Nations that there are more than 40 million human slaves and 8 million sex traffic victims. Mitzi was 77 at the time and she wanted to spend the rest of her life fighting this injustice. She knew that she was good at fundraising and awareness-raising, so she went after that.
Mitzi shares about her experiences meeting survivors who have not only survived but are now thriving. They have walked through healing, received an education, or are even now doing jobs that they love and enjoy. Her point in all of this is that when these survivors receive the care they need, they are able to heal in many ways and get back the life and dreams that they deserve.
Thus, Mitzi and her team are starting a “scholarship program” and also offering “sponsor a survivor.” She is gathering the information she needs from multiple anti-trafficking organizations to bring this to fruition. The question is essential: What does it cost for a survivor to get psychological counseling, medical care, trauma-informed care, education, job training, etc.?
Breakthroughs of Win This Fight

We asked Mitzi to share with us some recent breakthroughs, and she had several to share!
Fullbright Forum on Human Trafficking
On May 11th, there will be a Fulbright forum on human trafficking. There will be 50,000 Fullbrighters in this forum, with the goal of spreading the word about human trafficking. The C-Suite network admires this idea and they have 350,000 people on their list to share this event with. UBS (a global firm that provides financial services in many countries) is sponsoring this forum as well. UBS has the biggest group of billionaires of all the financial institutions put together.
Since traffickers must be keeping their money somewhere, there is an idea of starting to flag and identify trafficking money and freeze it. Mitzi asks the question, “What if we made trafficking less profitable?” This forum will focus on money flows from those instigating human trafficking money.
Invitation from Psychology Today
Psychology Today has invited Mitzi to blog, and they have a social media reach of 10 million people. This opportunity will allow her to use her platform to raise awareness and potentially money.
Host Programs with Earth-X TV
Earth-X TV has asked Mitzi to host 6 programs that will go to global television (again using her opportunities to raise awareness).
Mitzi’s mission is to spread global awareness and she is seeing how that is actually happening by all the opportunities that are coming her way.
Lend a hand with Win This Fight

If you want to know more about Win This Fight and how you can get involved, please visit their website at
Also, remember that 13% of the profits from your purchases for the months of May and June 2021 will go toward supporting what Win This Fight is doing!