Making a Difference at Jericho Ministries

We often say we donate 13% of our profits to organizations that end human trafficking, but have you ever wondered where your money is actually going? 

In March of 2022, because of your purchases, Simply Earth was able to donate money to Jericho Ministries, a Christian-based children’s home located in Honduras. The team and kids there are running out of room in their Villa, which is where the children attend school and live. They are in need of more room so that they have the ability to help more children! Simply Earth’s donation was specifically for building a new cabin for the rescued children to live in. You can read more about this donation here!

More recently, a small group of Simply Earth team members traveled to Jericho. They spent a week loving on some amazing kids, while also working on the house we donated money to build. In total, 5 Simply Earth teammates went on the trip: Dustin Veldkamp (Simply Earth Co-owner), Shilah Pagel (Director of Sales), Mary Wieskamp (Warehouse Team Member), Angie Wieskamp (Warehouse Team Member), and Katrina Smies (Warehouse Team Member). 

The entire team went into this trip focused on doing everything they could to help Jericho and the children living there. However, they all noted that they could feel their own hearts being worked on while they were in Honduras. So much laughter was shared while spending evenings playing kickball or soccer with the kids–Shilah notes laughing more than she has in years! Simply caring for the children and letting them be worry-free kids was a highlight for everyone.

Jericho’s long-term goal is to build 7 cabin-style homes. Within these homes, a house parent can have multiple children living with them. Betsy, the founder of Jericho, has a vision for each child to be able to experience the love of a family-based home. Since many of the kid’s living at Jericho have experienced a lot of trauma and abandonment, having a place to call their own would be a huge blessing! 

If you have been considering partnering with a great organization, please consider looking into Jericho’s mission. Their vision and heart for the children will blow you away. Simply Earth is so thankful for Jericho Ministries and the work they are doing to change the lives of so many children in their country.