Are Essential Oils Helpful In Soothing Acne?

essential oils for acne

Acne can be devastating. In addition to being uncomfortable and painful, acne can throw your self confidence into a treacherous downward spiral. 

I’ve. Been. There. 

essential oils for acne

For me, it was perioral dermatitis (POD): a chronic rosacea-like condition that ravages your face with burning, flaking, bright red bumps and pustules. During a flare-up, these unsightly features, along with POD’s distinct stinging sensation, put up a stubborn fight toward an array of treatments. While I had a two-year flare that spanned seventh and eighth grade, it was my recent three-month flare-up, due to its ridiculous intensity, that effectively wrung out nearly every ounce of confidence I had in myself. 

Why am I telling you all of this? I’m not trying to draw pity for my situation. Nor am I trying to scare anyone by describing this particular skin issue. Instead, I want you to know that I understand the pain of acne… and I need you to trust me when I say that using essential oils for acne has changed my life.

In a desperate attempt for relief, I ended up turning to antibiotics during this second round of POD. While they did in fact play a major role in initially alleviating the condition, I knew as soon as I saw a few new POD bumps on my face shortly after finishing my prescription that I needed to find a maintainable solution. 

After using essential oils on a daily basis (Lavender Essential Oil diluted in jojoba oil, in case you’re curious) that have pushed my skin to the best state it’s ever been in, I can now gratefully say that essential oils are the maintainable, natural solution my skin was craving.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is one of those pesky skin conditions that no one wants but everyone seems to get. The main cause of acne is an excess production of oil by the sebaceous glands in a person’s skin. This oil, mixed with dead skin cells, can end up clogging the pores which leads to those painful and unsightly breakouts. Hormones are another major contributor; it’s why teenagers get so much more than their parents! Genetics also play a part, so if your mother or father suffered from acne, chances are you might too. Even certain diet and lifestyle choices can contribute – greasy foods and stress both have links with flare-ups.

Benefits of Using Essential Oils for Acne

Essential Oils Are Free of Toxins

These days, it feels like there are a million and one synthetic ingredients in all of our skincare products. But don’t worry — essential oils have come to the rescue! They are made of only one natural substance- that’s it, so you won’t find any toxins or extra additives that could make your acne worse. That’s right: No harsh chemicals here!

Essential Oils Keep Skin Care Simple

With the ever-expanding array of skincare products on offer these days, it can be overwhelming to choose what best suits your skin. Essential oils are a much simpler way to treat acne without having to navigate through every item in the skincare aisle. Not only do they pack a powerful punch when it comes to fighting off bacteria and boosting skin’s immunity, but they also help narrow down possible irritating ingredients, should you experience any flare-ups after using a new product.

Essential Oils Are a Maintainable Solution

Acne-curing efforts need to last long-term, even after your acne initially subsides. That’s why using essential oils is such great news. They give your skin gentle, natural relief, so you can safely care for your skin for the long haul, for as long as necessary, in the most natural way possible.

Essential Oils Are Customizable 

Essential oils are not only all-natural and cost-effective, but they also provide ultimate customization – giving you the freedom to tailor your acne solution (or skincare routine) any way you want it. Whether it’s Lavender and Tea Tree for calming and clarifying or Rosemary and Thyme for rejuvenating, you’re in complete control of what goes on your skin. You can also add extra nourishing ingredients or reduce certain ingredients based on allergies. Essential oils provide numerous benefits as a natural remedy while still allowing you to personalize and adjust!

Check out this Natural Skincare Routine + Recipes!

How to Use Essential Oils For Acne? How Does It Work?

homemade acne treatment, Beautiful Skin Roll On

Direct Application

To use essential oils directly on the face, start by diluting the oil of your choice with a carrier oil, then apply this mixture and apply it directly to the face using a cotton swab.

Note: Do not use pure or undiluted essential oils on the skin. The powerful compounds found in them can cause skin irritation, sensitivity, and even burns.

Add to Skincare Products

Want to tackle nasty acne with essential oils? With the right kind of all-natural skincare products, you can do just that! For example, if toner or serum is your go-to product for clear skin, simply add a few teeny tiny drops of essential oil, and voila – you’ve got yourself some potent homemade skincare. Just remember: a little goes a long way when it comes to essential oils!

Simply Earth offers TONS of all-natural skincare recipes. Check our toxin-free magazine to get started.

Make All-Natural Skincare Recipes

Instead of pumping your skin full of harsh chemicals, you can make all-natural skincare recipes like toners or scrubs that work great as spot treatments that are easy to customize and make from home. Plus, given the right ingredients and some basic knowledge, these recipes can be extremely affordable too! 

Don’t know where to start? Check out this amazing Essential Skincare Guide.

Safety Considerations and Risks

Whether you’re looking to use essential oils to get rid of pimples fast or calm inflammation or irritated skin over time, there are some important things you need to remember and consider during your natural skincare journey.

Properly Dilute Your Essential Oils 

When it comes to treating acne with essential oils, the first consideration should be proper dilution. While it might sound tempting to add several drops of pure oil directly to your pimples, this will not only be ineffective, but it could also irritate your skin or cause unwanted side effects. 

To get the most out of your essential oils without creating any extra worries, always dilute them in carrier oil before use. This will help you protect and soothe your skin, while still getting maximum therapeutic effects from the oil.

Slowly Introduce Essential Oils to Your Skin

But before you start slathering them on with enthusiasm, remember – go slow! Start with lower dilution rates – while the norm is a 3% dilution rate, you can go as low as 0.5% if that’s what makes you comfortable. Trust us – your acne will thank you!

For proper dilution, check out this FREE dilution chart.

Give Your Skin Time

When it comes to essential oils for acne, don’t expect lightning in a bottle! Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your perfect skin. Sometimes, it can take some time—so give yourself grace when you embark on utilizing essential oils for wellness. The key is to take your time and use them strategically, finding the right balance of ingredients and proportions to fit your specific skin type and condition. Move cautiously and deliberately with consistent care, so that you can find the best oil combo that works well with your skin long term. After all, a healthy setup equals healthy upkeep!