Fennel Essential Oil – one of my favs!
If you’re looking for an incredibly versatile product to add to your daily routine and home cleaning supplies, then this is it. The uses and benefits of Fennel Essential Oil go above and beyond!
In this blog post, we will be exploring exactly what these uses and benefits are so that you can take full advantage of their many properties! So grab yourself a snack, settle down in your favorite chair, and let’s get started on discovering why this amazing oil deserves some space in your life.
Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil

Aids Digestion
Fennel Essential Oil is a great oil to go to for various mild digestive concerns. According to an elaborate review1 of Fennel Essential Oil, it possesses antispasmodic activity that may alleviate discomfort caused by spasms. The review also concluded on the oil’s ability to reduce gas, improve motility, and more.
A study2 conducted using Fennel Essential Oil found it had high antioxidant activity, with good radical scavenging practices determined. This is great news for those looking to protect their skin and promote overall wellness, as antioxidants help keep our cells safe from the damage caused by oxidation.
Supports Women’s Wellness
Fennel’s antispasmodic activities, as mentioned in the study1 above, also can provide ease from cramps associated with women’s monthly cycles. Moreover, as evidenced by many clinical studies3, this oil is able to play a significant role in managing dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhea, menopause, lactation, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Promotes Hormone Balance
Fennel Essential Oil is gaining recognition in the medical community due to its estrogenic properties, making it a suitable natural remedy for conditions ranging from menopause to menstrual distress. Studies3 have found that the oil helps balance hormone levels that can help manage gynecology-related conditions.
Balances Cravings
Fennel Essential Oil has been shown to reduce subjective appetite, providing promising results for those trying to lose weight and maintain healthier habits. A study4 that focused on overweight Korean women concluded that fennel not only helped the women reduce their hunger levels, but it also decreased their prospective food consumption and increased feelings of fullness.
Fennel Essential Oil is increasingly becoming a popular choice for cleaning because of its remarkable antimicrobial activity. According to a study2, this oil is highly effective against a variety of bacteria and pathogenic fungi, which makes it an excellent choice for sanitizing your home, office, or any space.
How to Use Fennel Essential Oil + Recipes

Dilute in a Carrier Oil
Add a drop or two of Fennel Essential Oil to a roll-on and fill the rest of the way with carrier oil. Apply it directly to the area that requires attention. This mixture can soothe numerous ailments including digestive issues, aches and pains, and menstrual cramps.
Fennel Essential Oil is an easy, natural way to enjoy a refreshing aroma in your home due to its slight licorice scent. Not only can it give you a sense of renewal and relaxation, but it has also been used as an aromatherapy aid to help manage cravings.
Personal Care Products
Fennel Essential Oil’s fresh, earthy scent is very pleasing and is often used in personal care products like homemade face creams, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and soaps.

What Does Fennel Essential Oil Smell Like?

Fennel Essential Oil has a strong and unmistakable scent that many people love. It is warm and sweet with a touch of earthiness. Those familiar with black licorice may be reminded of it when they smell this fragrant oil. Fennel’s strong smell often fills the air when used in aromatherapy, an unmistakable clean, fresh, and pleasant smell that can linger in the air long after use.
Fennel Essential Oil Blends Well With

Fennel Essential Oil’s powerfully sweet, clean, earthy, and black licorice-like aroma blends well with Bergamot, Frankincense, Lavender (40/42 or Bulgarian), and Rosemary Essential Oils.
Learn More About Fennel Essential Oil

What Is Fennel?
Fennel comes from the Apiaceae family and is an herb with feathery leaves and yellowish flowers. The herb grows in most temperate portions of Europe. It has stalks with pale green bulbs at the base of the leaves. At its full height, it can grow up to 2.5 meters (8 feet).
Fennel Essential Oil History
Historically, Fennel was believed to ward off evil spirits, strengthen eyesight, and neutralize poisons. Roman warriors were said to consume Fennel for strength and battle readiness. Fennel is best known for its licorice aroma and taste, yet its ability to aid healthy digestion is equally noteworthy.
Chemical Constituents
Trans-Anethole is a chief constituent of Fennel Essential Oil, used as a flavoring and fragrance agent. It is also one of the compounds largely absorbed from the digestive tract by diffusion.
Limonene is a cyclic monoterpene. It is commonly used as a fragrance ingredient in perfumery, aftershave lotions, bath products, and other personal care products, as well as a solvent for cleaning agents.
Fenchone is an organic compound. It has a structure and an odor similar to camphor. It is used as a flavor in foods and in perfumery.
What Earthies Are Saying About It
Things to Remember When Using This Oil

Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. This essential oil is unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If the oil has been oxidized (left with the cap off for long periods of time) it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly.

This oil is generally not safe to use if you are pregnant. Consult your doctor prior to use.

This essential oil is safe to use with kids 10+.

For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post.

Dogs may find this oil irritating. However, we do not expect your dog to be disturbed if you use this oil on yourself. Just be mindful of your pet’s behavior. For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post.
We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post.
*Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA
Final Thoughts on Fennel Essential Oil

After looking at the various benefits of Fennel Essential Oil, it’s clear that this oil could be an excellent addition to one’s wellness and health arsenal. From its detoxifying effects to its ability to aid with digestion, this oil can be a great choice when looking for natural home remedies. For those in search of a reputable source of Fennel Essential Oil, Simply Earth is an ideal choice. This company is known for offering quality oils at fair prices and is committed to bringing the customer only organic, sustainable essential oils from ethical sources. With so many positive aspects associated with Fennel Essential Oil, why not give it a try?
- Badgujar SB, Patel VV, Bandivdekar AH. Foeniculum vulgare Mill: a review of its botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, contemporary application, and toxicology. 2014
- Farooq Anwar, Muhammad Ali, et al. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil and extracts of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seeds from Pakistan. 2009 Apr
- Mahboubi M. Foeniculum vulgare as Valuable Plant in Management of Women’s Health. 2019 Apr
- Bae J, Kim J, Choue R, Lim H. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Tea Drinking Suppresses Subjective Short-term Appetite in Overweight Women. 2015 Jul