There are several types and benefits of meditation, but when I think of meditation, automatically I think of someone sitting on the ground criss-cross applesauce, fingers making the “ok” symbol along with “hmm” sounds.
Turns out, meditation is a lot more than that. Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. It can be used to build healthy habits, increase focus, and more.
What I Love About This Recipe

Katie here, I’m an aromatherapist for Simply Earth. I write blog posts and plan our subscription recipe box. I create the recipes you’ll find on this blog and use them.
What I love most about this Meditation Diffuser Blend is that, even though I don’t meditate daily, this blend still helps me focus. It’s energizing, uplifting and helps clear the mind. So along with supporting meditation, it also supports focus in general.*
What’s in the Meditation Diffuser Blend Recipe

This recipe is made of non-toxic ingredients that will support your meditation naturally.
Ho Wood Essential Oil
Ho Wood Essential Oil is considered to help deepen meditation. Its ability to help calm you and focus thoughts are helpful in building mental habits.*
Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil is bright and uplifting. It’s often used to support mental clarity. This oil will help clear your mind for meditation.*
5 ml Blend Bottle
If you love this blend, you can premix a master blend in a 5 ml blend bottle. These small bottles are amber to help blend last longer. Once you’ve made a master blend (premixed blend) all you need to do is add a couple drops from the bottle to your diffuser.
The most common diffusers use steam to bring the aroma of the essential oils into the air. At Simply Earth we use this 80 ml diffuser and this 200 ml diffuser.

Benefits of Meditation

How does meditation benefit you? The habit of training your mind comes with many benefits. Here are some of the many health benefits of meditation.
Reduce Stress
Stress can trigger sickness and difficulty sleeping. Be meditating you can train your brain to better handle stress.
Control Anxiety
Stress can also trigger anxiety. Meditation can help calm anxious thoughts as well as train your mind against anxiety created in stressful situations.
Promotes Positivity
People who meditate report a positive outlook on life and improved self-image. This positive outlook makes those who meditate are more likely to be kind to others as well.
Self Awareness
Some people who meditate focus on recognizing thoughts that are harmful or self-defeating. This helps them train their thoughts toward positivity when the negative thoughts emerge.
Increase Focus
Training your thinking can increase your attention span for better focus. This benefit of meditation can also help individuals fight an addiction.
Sleep Better
Meditation can help keep your thoughts from racing. Racing thoughts often cause insomnia and sleep deprivation. Those who meditate are generally able to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.
Things to Remember When Using Meditation Diffuser Blend Recipe

This recipe is intended to be used in a diffuser. If you want to use this blend in your skin you need to dilute it with a carrier oil first. Check out this dilution chart for diluting Meditation Diffuser Blend properly.

This essential oil recipe is safe to use with kids age 2+.

Avoid using this recipe around cats. If you use this blend, be sure to do it in an open room and allow your cat to leave the room. Lemon Essential Oil is poisonous to cats if ingested. For more on using essential oils with cats check out this blog post.

You can diffuse Meditation Diffuser Blend around dogs. For more information on using essential oils with dogs check out this blog post.
Never ingest any essential oil, even if it’s generally regarded as safe. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils, check out this blog post.
Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor.
*“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
Meditation Diffuser Blend Recipe
Meditation Diffuser Blend
2 drops Ho Wood Essential Oil
3 drops Lemon Essential Oil
5 ml Blend Bottle
- Add essential oils to diffuser, and diffuse in an open room.
- If you love this Meditation Diffuser Blend, create a master blend filling a 5 ml bottle from your bonus box using 40 drops Ho Wood Essential Oil and 60 drops Lemon Essential Oil. Add 3-5 drops to your diffuser. This blend will deepen meditation and promote mental clarity.
Have You Met Shilah?

Shilah is an aromatherapist for Simply Earth and uses meditation to calm anxiety and help her focus. Here’s Shilah’s thoughts on meditation:
Hey everyone. I wanted to pop in really quick to tell you how meditation (along with yoga) has helped me out so much!
I have found that mediating a few times a week for 10 minutes or less at a time, along with doing some yoga really helps quiet my mind, and helps level out anxious thoughts.
My thoughts can be racing around 1,000 times a minute, but after I do some quiet meditating I can finally think clearly.
I highly suggest learning how to meditate, even if it’s just 5 minutes a week!
Are You Ready to Start Meditating to Get the Benefits of Meditation?

Maybe you already do meditate, or you just want a focus boost during the workday. Use this blend and let us know in the comments your results or connect with us on social media @fromsimplyearth!
Subscribe today to our Essential Oil Recipe Box. Each month, you can receive four full-size 100% pure essential oils, six natural recipes, plus the ingredients you need to make them in our Recipe Box.
With the box, you’ll learn new ways to use essential oils, make more essential oil roll-on recipes, and have the peace of mind that you are making your home toxin-free. This month of April, we focus on Home Detox. This box is worth over $150 if priced from the Big Essential Oil Companies. You get all those goodies from Simply Earth for only $39. Go get it!