A stuffy nose can be incredibly annoying, especially when you’re trying to sleep. Thankfully, there’s a simple home remedy for a stuffy nose that can help open up your nasal passages so you can breathe deeply and easily and get some relief. Introducing: Breath of Fresh Air Steam Recipe!
Steam inhalation is a technique that involves inhaling hot steam to thin out mucus and open up the nasal passages. After a few minutes of breathing in the steam, you will feel your nasal passages opening up. Of course, we also added some essential oils for an extra burst of congestion-busting power. Give this home remedy a try the next time you’re feeling stuffed up!
What I Love About This Breath of Fresh Air Steam

I love doing steam inhalation with essential oils when I have a clogged nose. I usually do it at night, before bed, so that I can get a good night’s sleep. It’s really relaxing and helps to clear my sinuses. Plus, the aromatherapy is an added bonus!
What’s in This Home Remedy for a Stuffy Nose?

Hot Water
The warmth and moisture from the hot steam can loosen congestion and make it easier to breathe.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil is best known for its ability to support respiration. When used in steam inhalation, this oil can help to open up the airways and make breathing easier. Eucalyptus Essential Oil can also help fight fatigue and brain fog that often accompanies the flu.
Bay Essential Oil
Bay Essential Oil is often used to support respiratory health, as it helps to clear congestion and soothe irritation. Additionally, bay essential oil is said to have immune-boosting properties, making it an ideal home remedy for colds and the flu.

Things to Remember When Using This Recipe

Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. This essential oil recipe is unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If the oil has oxidized (been left with the cap off for long periods of time), it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly.

Some essential oil recipes are not generally safe to use if you are pregnant. Consult your doctor prior to use.

This essential oil recipe is safe to use with kids aged 10+.

For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post.

For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post.
We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post.
*Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA
Breath of Fresh Air Steam Recipe
Breath of Fresh Air Steam
Hot water*
1 drop Eucalyptus Essential Oil
1 drop Bay Essential Oil
- Pour hot water into a bowl.
- Add essential oils.
- While the water is hot, lower your head near the water and inhale deeply to support respiration.
- Tip: For stronger effects, create a steam tent by placing a towel over your head and the bowl and breathing deeply.
Use Hot Water, Not Boiling!

Here’s one crucial detail that many people overlook: the water should not be too hot. If the vapor is too hot, it can burn your airways and make your congestion worse. By following this tip, you can enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation without any risk of injury. Have you tried this remedy before? What tips would you add? We’d love to hear about it on social media with @fromsimplyearth and in the comments below!
Are you ready to master essential oils? You get FREE access to our Hero Course if you subscribe to our Monthly Essential Oil Recipe Box. With it, you’ll receive 4 Pure Essential Oils, 6 Aromatherapist-Created Recipes, and FREE Essential Oil Recipe Supplies for Life—all delivered directly to your door each month for just $44.99/month. Plus, we’ll give you a FREE Big Bonus Box!
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