I’ve tried just about every room-scenting technique in the book. Candles? Big fan. Natural wax melters? You bet. Diffusers? Of course. But then there’s potpourri… potpourri has never really done it for me… until now.
I think my disinterest in potpourri bags, liquid potpourri, or just your typical mix of herby and spicy things came from two issues:
- I hadn’t come across a potpourri option that had a scent I truly liked.
- I’m not super keen on how any of the aforementioned options look.
Unfortunately, those two issues really took the fun out of this room-scenting technique that I have recently learned to love. What changed my mind?
By using this DIY essential oil Wax Potpourri Disks recipe, I quickly learned that I could both make my potpourri smell amazing and customize the look of it. In other words, this recipe gives you total freedom to make your potpourri look however you please (while still smelling awesome), and that, my friend, is something I appreciate. So, if you’re thinking that creating and customizing your own natural and effective potpourri sounds pretty enticing, I totally understand. After all, I have mine proudly hanging out on my desk; it spruces up both the atmosphere and aroma of my workspace!
What I Love About This DIY Wax Potpourri Disks Recipe

Because you can personalize the look of these natural potpourri disks, I let my inner wannabe crafter shine through as I made them. By adding unique decorations and details, you can make this recipe your own and style it to your house’s vibe.
What’s in This Cute Potpourri Wax Disk Recipe?

Soy Wax
Soy wax is a safe and easy-to-use wax option for your potpourri disks[i]. While skipping out on nasty toxins is always a big win, the color of this wax is also a perk! Its light and neutral color compliments any dried flowers, spices, or decorations that you may feel inspired to add. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about this wax putting up a stink when it comes time to remove your potpourri disks from their molds—your disks should pop right out without breaking or sticking.
Beeswax improves the consistency of your wax potpourri disks. By mixing this with soy wax, you’ll notice your disks have a creamier color and texture. The density and aroma of the wax itself also give your potpourri a slight durability boost and smell upgrade. Pretty sweet, right?
Lime Essential Oil
Here I go again, getting all excited about Lime Essential Oil. This oil radiates freshness, happiness, and sweetness. It has that iconic citrus ability to shoo away stink, which is a must if you’re wondering how to make potpourri that looks and smells nice. It gives off uplifting and energizing aromas. I could go on and on…
Love Essential Oil
And then there’s the Love Essential Oil Blend. The combination of oils in this blend gives off an aroma that gently works alongside the sharpness of your Lime Essential Oil. So while your DIY potpourri looks cute, the scent of this oil will have you feeling cute.
Dried Flowers
If you’re looking to make potpourri that’s a bit more modern and aesthetic, this ingredient is for you. Using dried flowers, or spices, or decorative items around your home allows you to get creative and really make this recipe your own. I got so excited about the looks of my DIY wax potpourri disks that I decided to dress them up with some rustic twine so I could hang them by my desk. Want to know a fun fact? Subscribers will receive some beautiful dried flowers right in their November Recipe Box!

Things to Remember While Using Creative DIY Potpourri Disks

When properly diluted, these DIY potpourri disks are generally safe to make if you have sensitive skin.

This potpourri disk is generally safe to use around children over the age of 10.

Using this recipe is generally safe to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor prior to use.

Avoid using the potpourri disk around cats as its oils may be irritating. For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post.

This recipe is not recommended for use around dogs as its oil may be irritating. For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post.
Never ingest any essential oil, even if it’s generally regarded as safe. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils, check out this blog post.
Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Wax Potpourri Disks Recipe
Spruce Up Your Home with DIY Wax Potpourri Disks
1 Tbsp soy wax
1 Tbsp beeswax
10 drops Lime Essential Oil
5 drops Love Essential Oil
Dried flowers
Cupcake tin or other molds
Potpourri mix (optional)
- In a double boiler, melt soy wax and beeswax.
- Once the mixture is just melted, add essential oils and stir to mix.
- Divide and pour the mixture into the bottom of the mold to about ¼ inch thick so that you create a thin disk of wax. Allow to cool.
- Once the mixture has cooled remove from the mold. Use a lighter to gently melt the wax on the top of the disk. Arrange dried flowers as desired.
- To use, place disks in a pretty bowl for a gently aromatic decoration. Or arrange disks to complement a potpourri mix.
Tip: You can make your own potpourri mixture using whole spices like anise star, cinnamon sticks, and pine cones. Add your wax potpourri disks for cute home holiday decoration. You can also skip the dried flowers and use these disks in a wax warmer.
How Did You Customize Your Potpourri?

Like I said, I got all excited as I made my potpourri and decided to spruce it up with some artsy twine so I could hang it by my desk. Get your creative juices flowing and show us how you personalized this recipe on social media with @fromsimplyearth and comment below!
To learn more about how to use essential oils, check out our Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. When you subscribe, we’ll ship you a monthly supply of four 100% pure essential oils, six natural recipes like this potpourri disk recipe, and all the quality ingredients you’ll need to make your own wonderful products for just $44.99/month. All of these goodies have over a $100 dollar value, plus we’ll give you a FREE Big Bonus Box when you subscribe.
Subscribe today to learn how to use essential oils!
[i] Combustion characteristics of candles made from hydrogenated soybean oil