Human trafficking survivors face many difficult challenges–even after they escape trafficking. The nature of human trafficking attempts to strip human dignity from its victims, often causing an incredible amount of psychological damage and lasting trauma that takes a long time to heal from.
Survivors often face many physiological and physical symptoms of trauma. This can include brainwashing, anxiety, panic disorders, and mistrust of others and their motives. Many trafficking survivors also suffer from different forms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, anger, self-harm, suicidal behavior, and substance abuse. Since every person who survives being trafficked is different, their response to trauma is also unique.
Grounds of Grace’s Response

That’s where Grounds of Grace comes into the picture. Grounds of Grace meets survivors where they are to help them on their healing journey. I was excited to meet with Emma, the current president of Grounds of Grace, to learn about the services Grounds of Grace provides to those in need.
Grounds of Grace is located in both Springfield and Peoria, Illinois. As a free resource for those who have been impacted by trafficking, Grounds of Grace cares for practical, physical needs–housing, job connections, and legal advocacy, to name a few. Grounds of Grace strives to help get each survivor on their feet, however they can.
A big part of that is helping the survivor with mental health advocacy and healing. Emma, who owns her own therapy practice, meets with survivors herself, and assists them in finding continued support as they work through their healing journey. Emma shared that the hardest part of her work with Grounds of Grace is seeing the repercussions of all the abuse that victims face. She told me that the past trauma and experiences that many survivors have faced, makes it hard for the Grounds of Grace team to gain trust from the survivors. However, Emma knows the team is continually making progress, extending grace and help to each survivor that enters their door.
In the past year, Emma and her team have opened a house in Peoria. This house provides semi-independent living for up to three survivors who are able to live there until they’re fully ready to be on their own. This house was a huge blessing to Grounds of Grace, and Emma has been working hard the past year to make sure it is functioning properly and ready to house survivors. She shared that many local businesses volunteered their services so that the house could be fixed up for free. Preparing the house in Peoria is an ongoing project for Grounds of Grace!
Thank you!

Simply Earth is so excited to support the work that Grounds of Grace is doing in Illinois during the months of January and February. Because of your purchases, we are able to donate 13% of our profits to organizations around the world that are active in the fight against human trafficking. Thank you for making this possible! If you would like to learn more about Grounds of Grace, feel free to visit their Facebook.