Disrupting Traffick, a nonprofit organization based in Lincoln, Nebraska, is fighting to end human trafficking through community outreach events. They have even launched a hotline that is volunteer-run, where people can call to either report suspicious activity, or get resources and assistance if they are in a dangerous situation.
The most recent change for Disrupting Traffick is their resource center. Here, they offer free counseling, resources for women looking to break the chain of addiction, and mental health resources. The resource center has a food pantry, hygiene pantry, and also a clothing closet where women can get free clothing. The women get “points” for taking different classes or programs, and then are able to use their points for the clothing closet. What an absolutely amazing way to get education and healing into the hands of these women!
Disrupting Traffick is the first organization in their area to offer safe houses for women who have been trafficked. The safe house provides immediate shelter for these women and is staffed with professionals experienced in helping women recover from sexual trauma. This allows the women to get back on their feet while healing from their past experiences.
When I interviewed Brooke Carlson, the Founder and Executive Director of Disrupting Traffick, I asked her what one of the hardest parts of the job was. She answered thoughtfully, “I think that the hardest part of the day-to-day job is being able to meet the women where they’re at with no strings attached. It’s really hard for me to see someone’s potential, and not be able to help them if they don’t want the help.”

We are so honored to be able to partner up with Disrupting Traffick. The more light that is shed on human trafficking, the better chances that we have of ending it.
You can read more about Disrupting Traffick and how you can help here: https://disruptingtraffick.org/
We’re proud to donate 13% of our profits to organizations like Disrupting Traffick each month. Together, we’re working to make a difference in the lives of women across the globe.