Printable Habit Tracker Ideas for Wellness-Boosting

In case you missed it, we’ve already created this awesome resource giving you 12 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Winter Blues. Now, we’re giving you another helpful resource to support you during the winter season: habit trackers!!

In order to help you boost your mood and beat winter blues, we figured you’d want to start tracking your mood, so we created this pinnable, printable 2023 Mood Tracker.

Mood Tracker

Free and customizable mood templates

Document how you feel for reflection and self-awareness.

Exercise Tracker

habit tracker ideas, exercise tracker

Exercise Tracker from Dorky Doodles.

Stay healthy by exercising and documenting it! Keeping track of everything you are doing can help improve your motivation and track your progress in your health journey.

Water Tracker

habit tracker ideas, water tracker

Water Tracker by Christine of The DIY Dreamer Blog.

Water is great for your overall health! Getting 8 glasses a day is ideal to make the most out of your health and mood!

Sleep Tracker

habit tracker ideas, sleep tracker

Sleep Tracker by Saturday Gift.

We can all agree that sleep is a wonderful thing, especially when we get enough of it! Making sure that you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep can help your overall mood and keep your immune system up and running to keep your body healthy.

Aromatherapy Recipe Journal

Essential Oil Recipe Journal by Gathered & Sown and Simply Earth

Tracking your oil usage and blend combinations can be super beneficial for you! Trying out different combinations for different health benefits can allow you to remember what worked well with some symptoms and which might not be as great for you.

Screen Time Tracker

habit tracker ideas, screen time tracker

Screen Time Tracker by iMOM.

We all know that excessive screen time is not good for us, so keeping track of how much time is spent on each device is helpful to keep that usage in check.

Meditation Tracker

yoga tracker, meditation tracker, habit tracker ideas

Meditation Tracker by Sarah of Return to Sender Blog.

Meditation is something that helps a good majority of people relax and unwind. If this works for you, then track what you do to develop a routine that you can follow!