Modern-day slavery is one of the biggest injustices of our time. There are an estimated 25 million men, women, and children enslaved by either labor trafficking or sex trafficking. Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal enterprise in the world, generating about $150.2 billion worldwide. You might think that trafficking is primarily in the large cities or third world countries, but children, women, and men are being trafficked in every state, nearly every city, and just as often in small rural communities.
These numbers are overwhelmingly huge and discouraging, and it might seem impossible for one person to make a difference amidst this massive problem. That’s why, at Simply Earth, we made it a priority to partner with you and organizations around the world to make a difference. We donate 13% of our profits to organizations that actively fight to end human trafficking.
In the months of March and April, we are highlighting The Daughter Project–an amazing organization that we’re proud to support!
What Do They Do?

The Daughter Project, located in Ohio, rescues women and children who are enslaved by sex traffickers. They reach these women and children through two methods. First, in order to make initial contact with the individuals who are in need of help, The Daughter Project forms their own outreach teams that walk throughout the community at night when trafficking activity is most prevalent. The Daughter Project is also in contact with local law enforcement, which is actively involved in the legal side of anti-trafficking efforts.
After The Daughter Project is connected with a victim, they offer them food, clothing, and any other practical necessities. They also provide counseling for them, all within the context of a loving and consistent relationship. Throughout the week, women stop by their drop-in shelter to receive counseling, eat a meal, or do a load of laundry. The Daughter Project also hosts weekly Bible studies for the ladies they serve, as well as Friday night dinners.
Jeff, Director of The Daughter Project, shared that the individuals they serve need healthy, loving relationships more than anything, so that is what the staff at The Daughter Project strive to offer. This relationship is what Jeff is most passionate about: “Love. Truly loving the women & children rather than looking at them like a ‘project’ or someone who needs help. Looking at them like God looks at them, as beautiful children who need to be loved just like all of us.”
The Daughter Project currently serves about 15 women. Throughout their existence, they have served around 100 individuals, aging from 12 to 60s. Jeff shared that it can be very disheartening to only help a few individuals, compared to the millions that are still in need of rescue. He says he keeps this in mind, “we consider the Bible passage beginning in the gospel of Matthew 25 verse 31 to be our inspiration passage and in that passage God reminds us, helping one is so very important, ‘Then Jesus will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me”.
How to Get Involved With the Daughter Project
So, with human trafficking being such an immense problem, and you only being one person, what can YOU do? I asked Jeff how others can get involved, and he said:
“We hope people will pray for our ladies & children to find love, salvation, healing, hope, and joy in God AND pray for love, wisdom, and patience for our volunteers. Locally, we encourage groups to offer to prepare & share a meal with our ladies during one of our Friday night dinner events. We love when people invite us to speak at their church, business, school, or organizational meeting because the more who know, the more who will be inspired to help. Locally we also ask groups of 6 to 8 people to consider being one of our ‘relationship program’ groups for one hour, each week, for one year with one of our ladies. This is extremely challenging work but it is also profoundly joyous!”
Another practical way you can get involved in The Daughter Project’s mission is through financial aid. Like everyone, The Daughter Project has needs and expenses that are required in order to continue running. By purchasing from Simply Earth, you are supporting The Daughter Project. Since we give 13% of our profits to end human trafficking, your purchase this month is helping The Daughter Project! If you would like to learn more about The Daughter Project, you can take a look at their website, or their Facebook page. Thank you for making this possible!