Did you know human trafficking is happening everywhere around us?

Yes, even in the small communities where it feels safe to think, “There is absolutely no way that this horrendous act is happening,” it is.
Did you also know that the average age at which a victim is brought into trafficking is 13? Some victims are even younger than this!
With how rampant social media is in today’s day and age, it is the number one area where traffickers are looking to find their next victim. The people of Dodge County, WI, were shocked to hear this when 5-Stones began over 10 years ago. Unfortunately, human trafficking has been documented in every single county in Wisconsin, which is likely the case in every state in the U.S. I had the privilege of talking with Tracy, the director of 5-Stones and hearing the ways 5-Stones is actively fighting sex trafficking.
If human trafficking isn’t just a ‘big city problem,’ then what does it look like in rural communities like Dodge County? Tracy informed me that in rural American communities, human trafficking typically starts with someone coming alongside an individual and befriending them with the intent to exploit them. While this can happen in face-to-face relationships, the number one way traffickers come into contact with victims is through social media. Traffickers can easily befriend kids, learning their name, age, location, and more through social media accounts.
As part of their Prevention Stone, 5-Stones focuses on lessening the demand for sex trafficking. Along with protecting children from predators on the internet, 5-Stones encourages parents to protect their children from exposure to pornography. One of the biggest reasons sex trafficking is so prevalent in the United States is because of the pornography industry. The average age that a child is first exposed to porn is age 11. This early exposure to the graphic nature of porn conditions viewers to believe what they are watching is normal. Tragically, the use of porn directly leads to sex trafficking. Oftentimes, even the women who are recorded in porn are being forced to participate and are being trafficked and abused on camera. 5-Stones strongly believes ending porn is critical to ending the demand for sex trafficking.
So, how does 5-Stones directly fight human trafficking?

Taking inspiration from David, who picked up five stones to fight Goliath, the Giant, 5-Stones fights human trafficking in five different ways.
1. Awareness
5-Stones brings awareness to the issue of human trafficking through events, booths, communication, billboards, and many other outreach areas within their community and beyond.
2. Education
5-Stones educates their community on the dangers of human trafficking, what trafficking is, how it can start, and what the community can watch out for.
3. Prevention
As more people become aware of and educated on sex trafficking, prevention naturally begins with each person’s actions.
4. Networking
5-Stones regularly meets with partners–both larger businesses and individuals interested in getting involved with their mission.
5. Collaboration
5-Stones works together with other organizations to inform the community, as well as help human trafficking survivors.
Tracy shared that she is passionate about speaking to youth about these issues. Since youth are the most vulnerable to trafficking, they must be educated about what to watch out for to better protect themselves. Tracy told me about a time when a student heard her present about trafficking and was approached by a potential trafficker a short time later. Because this student learned what to watch out for, she could escape the situation before it was too late.
Thanks to the work of 5-Stones, many people have avoided very dangerous, potential trafficking situations.
So, how can you get involved?
See Something, Say Something.

If you see something that doesn’t look right, say something! There is no harm in bringing attention to a potential trafficking situation, just in case it is. Call your local law enforcement immediately, or call the national trafficking hotline.
Bring Awareness to the Issue
Tell your friends and family about the dangers and prevalence of human trafficking. The more that everyone learns about trafficking and how to prevent it, the more people we can save.
Encourage Each Other Not to Use Porn
Since pornography is directly tied to the demand for sex trafficking, ending the demand will lead to the end of trafficking.
Thanks To You!

Thanks to your purchases, Simply Earth can donate 13% of our profits to organizations like 5-Stones, which fights human trafficking. We’re proud to partner with and feature 5-Stones during July and August, and we’re so encouraged by their amazing work!
If you want to learn more about 5-Stones or how you can personally get involved, you can find them here: https://www.5-stonesdodgecounty.org/