Each month we give 13% of our profits go to an organization working to end human trafficking.
We absolutely love doing this. It keeps us on our toes to be the best at what we do. The more our customers come back to buy our products, the bigger difference we can make – we can’t do it without you. Help end human trafficking this month by buying products with a purpose at a price you’ll love, only at Simply Earth. This month, 13% of our profits will be going to Destiny Rescue.
It all started when Tony Kirwan took a trip to Cambodia. Shocked by seeing children living in dumpsters, he was about to pray “Lord have mercy on these children,” when God transformed his prayer and perspective to “Lord have mercy on me, if I don’t do something to help these children.” From this experience, Destiny Rescue was born.
What Do They Do
Now, Destiny Rescue is an internationally recognized Christian non-profit organization with locations in the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and India. Their work includes rescuing, preventing, and restoring sufferers of human trafficking.
If you were to visit Destiny Rescue you would see
- Rescued children being brought to a safe and loving environment in one of their many restoration homes.
- Human trafficking criminals being brought to justice.
- Empowered individuals learning vocational skills in jewelry making, hair dressing, barista-ing, cooking and waitressing, and sewing.
- Young people receiving an excellent education and moving on to university (if they choose to).
- Housing and skills training for at at risk children and families.
- Parents breaking the cycle of poverty through many development initiatives.
- Families starting their own businesses through small loans
- Poor families picking up income and agricultural training at the Destiny farm
It is clear to see that Destiny Rescue is making a huge difference. I love their many different initiatives that help prevent human trafficking and bring families out of poverty. Their rescue and restoration work is also remarkable.
How To Get Involved
You can help Destiny’s Rescue continue their amazing work today by shopping Simply Earth. To learn more about Destiny Rescue, click here.