Homemade Balm for Sore Muscles with Essential Oils

Do you struggle with sore muscles after a workout or a long day at work? Look no further than the Muscle Rescue Balm! This homemade balm for sore muscles is made with essential oils that soothe and relax the affected area. It eases muscle tension while also moisturizing the skin.

What is a Muscle Rescue Balm?

A muscle rescue balm is specifically designed to target sore muscles, cramps, sore joints, and light bruises. It provides comfort to aching muscles and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin. With gentle yet effective ingredients, a muscle rescue balm is perfect for those seeking natural solutions for muscle discomfort.

Why Make a Homemade Balm for Sore Muscles?

Natural Ingredients

Making a homemade balm for sore muscles is a great way to take advantage of the healing power of natural ingredients. Many different ingredients can be used in a homemade balm, including essential oils, herbs, and waxes. Not only are they effective at soothing soreness, but they are also safe and non-toxic.

Cost Effective

Making your own balm is much more cost-effective than buying one from the store. Store-bought balms can be expensive, especially if you need to use them regularly. Making your own balm can save money while getting even better benefits as a store-bought product.


Another great benefit of making your own balm is that you can customize it to suit your needs. You can choose the ingredients that work best for you and create a formula that is tailored to your individual needs. This allows you maximum benefits without buying multiple products from the store.

Easy to Make

Making a homemade balm is surprisingly easy and requires no special skills or equipment. All you need are some essential ingredients and a few simple steps to mix them into an effective remedy for sore muscles. It’s quick and easy to make–you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen preparing it!

Soothing Aroma

Finally, making your own balm allows you to enjoy its soothing aroma and healing properties! You can choose essential oils that will help relax tired muscles while providing an uplifting aroma that will help ease stress, too!

What’s in This Recipe?

Coconut Oil

One key ingredient that stands out in this balm is Coconut Oil, known for its excellent moisturizing properties that will leave your skin smooth and hydrated. On top of this, if you’re not a fan of coconut oil, you can always swap it out for other butter like shea or mango butter.

Almond Oil

If you’re searching for a balm ingredient that can deliver the goods without weighing you down, look no further than Almond Oil. This moisturizing, lightweight carrier oil is ideal for sensitive skin, providing essential hydration without clogging pores or leaving behind a greasy residue. If you’re not a fan of the scent or properties of almond oil, it’s easy to swap in just about any other carrier oil of your choosing.


Another key ingredient often found in homemade balms is beeswax. Beeswax is a thickening agent in this recipe, essential for creating a balm that stays in place and provides long-lasting relief. Beeswax is a completely natural ingredient with many benefits for the skin, making it a great addition to any muscle rescue balm formula.

Relief Essential Oil Blend

Relief Essential Oil Blend’s unique combination of oils works together to soothe and ease sore muscles, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized. With just a small amount applied to the affected area, you can say goodbye to discomfort and hello to better days ahead.

Lavender (Bulgarian) Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil has a calming and uplifting effect on the mind. It is also known for its skin benefits, tightening the skin and leaving it soft and smooth. So when using a muscle rescue balm with Lavender Oil, you’re helping your muscles recover and promoting rest and relaxation for your mind and body.

Cajeput Essential Oil

Cajeput Essential Oil is one of the main ingredients that make this balm so effective. This oil is known for its amazing ability to soothe muscles and support joint function, which makes it an essential ingredient in the Muscle Rescue Balm. It also has energizing properties that help to center the mind and boost vitality. Additionally, Cajeput can help cleanse the skin, leaving it softer and refreshed.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil

This incredible ingredient has been known to be a game-changer for relaxing muscles. With its naturally soothing properties, Juniper Berry Essential Oil works wonders on sore or strained muscles, providing ease and calmness. Its rest-promoting properties also make it perfect for a relaxing post-workout routine or a soothing addition to your bedtime routine.

Things to Remember When Using this Recipe

Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. This essential oil recipe is unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If this oil has been oxidized (left with the cap off for long periods of time) it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly. 

Some essential oil recipes are not generally safe to use if you are pregnant. Consult your doctor prior to use.

This essential oil recipe is safe to use with kids aged 10+.

For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post

For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post

We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post.

Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA

Muscle Rescue Balm Recipe

Muscles Rescue Balm

Time: 5 min + cool time
Dilution Rate: 5%
Estimated Shelf Life: 1 year
Yield: 1oz


  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 Tbsp almond oil

  • 1 tsp beeswax

  • 10 drops Relief Essential Oil Blend

  • 10 drops Lavender (Bulgarian) Essential Oil

  • 5 drops Cajeput Essential Oil

  • 5 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil

  • 1oz jar 🛒


  • Melt together the coconut oil, almond oil, and beeswax using a double boiler or microwave.
  • Add essential oils and stir.
  • Pour into a small jar and allow it to cool completely.

How to Use This Balm for Sore Muscles

Ahh, sore muscles. We’ve all been there. Muscle discomfort can be a real pain from a tough workout or a long day on your feet. You can soothe those aching muscles quickly with this muscle rescue balm! All you have to do is rub the balm directly onto the problem area. Just be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after application so as not to irritate your eyes. Also, it’s important to note that there may be better choices for you if you have broken skin.