Greener Pastures Roll-On: Fresh Smelling Essential Oils

Bring that fresh aroma of green pastures wherever you go with the power of essential oils! Introducing Greener Pastures Roll-On: this roll-on blend is infused with fragrant, fresh-smelling essential oils. Gather up your ingredients and get ready to make this beautiful blend!

What’s in This Recipe?

Rosemary Essential Oil 

Oh, the wonders of Rosemary Essential Oil! The Greener Pastures Roll-On has incorporated this famous oil, making it a perfect companion for everyday adventures. Not only does Rosemary Essential Oil offer that uplifting, earthy fragrance we all adore, but it also boasts numerous benefits that could only add to the fun, witty, and friendly atmosphere that the Greener Pastures Roll-On generously provides. Rosemary is fresh in every way, from its ability to support calmness to its knack for refreshing the mind.

Patchouli (Dark) Essential Oil 

If you’re after fresh-smelling essential oils, don’t pass up Patchouli Essential Oil. While its heavier, grounding aroma may not be the first fresh smell to come to mind, Patchouli Essential Oil anchors the blend of oils in the Greener Pastures Roll-On, giving them a long-lasting aroma. With Patchouli Essential Oil in the mix, the Greener Pastures Roll-On is a truly soothing, balanced blend that will take your day from stale to fresh!

Basil Essential Oil 

Basil essential oil has made its mark in the culinary world and bustling its way into the Greener Pastures Roll-On, bringing you a fresh, fun, and fragrant experience with a twist. You’ll be surprised how well it harmonizes with the other oils in your roll-on! Let this herbaceous and sweet oil uplift, center, and clarify your thoughts throughout the day.

Fractionated Coconut Oil

You can’t forget this final ingredient! Fractionated Coconut Oil plays a vital role in your Greener Pastures Roll-On— it dilutes your essential oils so you can safely use them on your skin! It’s a light, fast-absorbing oil, making it the perfect discrete carrier oil in this roll-on.

Things to Remember When Using This Recipe

Always dilute an essential oil when using it on the skin. This essential oil recipe is unlikely to cause skin irritation when diluted properly. If the oil has been oxidized (left with the cap off for long periods of time) it is more likely to cause skin irritation. Check out this dilution chart for diluting this essential oil properly. 

Some essential oil recipes are not generally safe to use if you are pregnant. Consult your doctor prior to use.

This essential oil recipe is safe to use with kids aged 10+.

For more information on using essential oils with cats, check out this blog post

For more information on using essential oils with dogs, check out this blog post

We don’t recommend ingesting essential oils unless under the direction of a doctor certified in aromatherapy. For more information on why we don’t ingest essential oils check out this blog post

*Please note: This post is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have extensively used essential oils and has not been verified scientifically with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdotal information and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns, please consult your doctor. The statements given in this blog post have not been verified by the FDA

Greener Pastures Roll-On Recipe

Greener Pastures Roll-On

Time: 2 minutes
Est. Shelf Life: 1 year
Yield: 10mL roll-on
Dilution Rate: 3%


  • 2 drops Rosemary Essential Oil 

  • 2 drops Patchouli (Dark) Essential Oil 

  • 2 drops Basil Essential Oil 

  • ~10mL fractionated coconut oil


  • Add essential oils to roll-on bottle.
  • Fill the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil. Shake to mix.
  • To use, apply to pulse points to support calm. 

How Often to Apply

Roll on and rock on! Because this roll-on is properly diluted, you can apply it as needed, whether at home or on the go. You can apply once daily or every several hours—it’s up to you! 

Take Your Roll-Ons on the Go!

Speaking of taking your roll-ons on the go, the Simply Earth Roll-On Travel Bag is the perfect solution for any on-the-go essential oil lover. Keep your roll-ons safe and secure in this fabulous yet functional bag. Its oh-so-cute pattern and quality materials will have you traveling with all your favorite oils in no time.