“Yesterday doesn’t get to write tomorrow’s story. We can’t do anything to make yesterday any better than it was. We can’t do anything to take those bad things out of anyone’s past. Our mission is to walk with them as they write their tomorrow’s story.”
This is the motto and mission of Freedom’s Journey. I had the privilege of meeting with Tess, the director of Freedom’s Journey.
What is Freedom’s Journey?

Located in Rapid City, South Dakota, Freedom’s Journey is an organization active in the fight against human trafficking. Tess, who has been fighting against human trafficking for many years, shared that her goal and passion are to change the world. So how is she doing that? With Freedom’s Journey, Tess is active in the prevention of human trafficking and the care and assistance of trafficking survivors as they are rescued and rebuild their lives.
Freedom’s Journey has helped nearly 200 survivors at some point on their healing journey. Freedom’s Journey connects with survivors in multiple ways, the primary method being referrals from law enforcement. Tess shared that the established trust and relationship that Freedom’s Journey has built with law enforcement over the years has been a significant recent breakthrough. As a result, the law enforcement of that area recognizes Freedom’s Journey as a legitimate and credible resource for human trafficking and survivors.
What Does Freedom Journey Do to Help End Human Trafficking?

Once Freedom’s Journey connects with a survivor, they immediately assess that individual’s needs. They look at whether that individual is currently safe, needs a place to stay, needs to be relocated, etc. Once they see what the survivor needs, they help in any way they can. Sometimes survivors are only with Freedom’s Journey for a short amount of time as Freedom’s Journey helps them relocate somewhere safer. Other times, survivors are with Freedom’s Journey for years, as Freedom Journey helps and assists them in rebuilding their lives.
Often survivors need to be in residential rehab programs to progress in healing. Freedom’s Journey will help with enrollment, application fees, transportation, and more. Residential rehab programs are often costly. Since Freedom’s Journey runs on donations and accepts no government funding, they, unfortunately, are limited in the financial help they provide. Tess shared that they hope to cover more of the rehab costs in the future, as well as general housing for survivors. Simply Earth is excited to feature Freedom’s Journey in March and April and, with your help, be able to help support survivors on their healing journeys!
Tess shared that she and the team at Freedom’s Journey never force a survivor to do anything. Instead, freedom’s Journey offers resources, connections, options, and suggestions, and it’s entirely up to the survivor whether they accept it. It can be challenging for them because they have to watch a survivor go back to an unhealthy lifestyle, but Tess shared that they have their own story, and she and her team can’t write it for them. That means letting survivors make their own choices, even if it’s not the choice that Freedom’s Journey would suggest.
What Can You Do?

Tess’s mission is to be a part of a world where trafficking is impossible, and victims are safe to find help and healing so that they can build a better future. We want to join her on her mission and for you to join us too! So how can we do that?
- Tess shared that one of the first things everyone should do to end human trafficking is to shun porn. Don’t support porn, don’t partake, don’t condone porn, and don’t have anything to do with it. Human trafficking exists because there is a demand that stems primarily from porn. Not only that, but Tess shared that the majority of the individuals in pornographic content are not there by their own choice; they are currently being trafficked in the porn industry.
- Add value to individuals. Human trafficking attempts to rob individuals of their worth and value. Tess shared that we are part of the solution every time we add value to a person. This means remembering and calling someone by name, getting down to the level of a child we are speaking to, and praying for people.
- Freedom’s Journey would love to send anyone posters or print materials to raise awareness in your community. Reach out to Freedom Cry if you would like them to let you know how to raise awareness in your community.
- Simply Earth donates 13% of our profits to organizations that fight to end human trafficking. This month we are honored to support Freedom’s Journey. By purchasing from Simply Earth, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Freedom’s Journey to help survivors as they rebuild their lives. Thank you for helping us change the world with Freedom’s Journey!
If you would like to learn more about Freedom’s Journey, visit their website at www.freedomsjourney.us