Love natural products? Hate the price tag? Us too. That’s why we’re changing how essential oils and other natural products are sold. Not only are our prices affordable, your purchase makes difference. 13% of our profits are given towards ending human trafficking. We do this by donating to different organizations that are rehabilitating victims, raising awareness, and educating others about human trafficking. This month we’re giving to The Hope Project.
Background of The Hope Project
The Hope Project is a west Michigan based organization which, in 2013, began helping 3 survivors. Since then 10 more victims have reached out to them. The holistic approach the organization takes in ending trafficking transforms women’s lives through counseling, therapy, AND by taking a community stance in educating those who may come into contact with victims such as child welfare workers, medical staff, foster parents, educators, juvenile justice workers, and law enforcement.
What Do They Do?
The Hope Project is also in the process of opening Hope Village. Hope Village will be a place where healing can begin for trafficking victims. It will be a home that will house up to 6 trafficking victims. Here they will be able to receive counseling, education, mentoring, recreational therapy, case management, security, and other supports to help the young women heal. The long range plan includes adding two more homes as well as a group home to ease the transition of moving back into the community.
As more sex trafficking victims hear about The Hope Project, more are seeking aid and a better future that this organization can bring. By purchasing products from Simply Earth YOU are helping women participating in The Hope Project gain their freedom and helping educate girls whose freedom is at risk – that’s why we call it a gift that keeps on giving.
For more information on where your money is going when you buy from Simply Earth take a look at their website www.hopeprojectusa.org.