Who changed your life this year?
If you have been following Simply Earth for the past years, you know that we are advocates of fighting human trafficking. We’ve read hundreds of stories about little children being taken away from their families, women forced into being sex workers and even men being slaves at this modern age. We don’t want to read more of that. Instead, we want them to have the peaceful lives that they deserve.
We partnered with nine awesome human trafficking organizations who are in the forefront of ending this horrendous crime. These people get on the ground, do deep research and find ways to rehabilitate the lives of the victims. It’s definitely not an easy job, but they get things done.
Nightlight International

Based both in Bangkok and the US, Nightlight helps rescue and restore the victims of human trafficking. They offer intervention and assistance by giving them the opportunity of having vocational education. They also teach the survivors some life skills and provide support in their spiritual lives.
Get to know them more here.

A non-profit organization that brings justice to humans victimized by trafficking, A21 says they are fueled by hope. They want to bring freedom to victims so they have a better story to tell and an independence they have long waited for.
See how you can get involved with them here.
Destiny Rescue

Destiny Rescue is another non-profit organization we at Simply Earth are fans of. Not only do they rescue and restore the survivors, they give them a voice in times that they are voiceless. Their goal is to see the end of human trafficking in our lifetime.
Learn more about them here.
My Refuge House

This particular organization is close to our hearts. We personally met up with them in Cebu City in the Philippines. My Refuge House doesn’t only rescue victims of trafficking, they take them in to make sure they are well and stable. They give spiritual and educational support until they are able to stand on their own.
Connect with them here.
Freedom Cry

Another organization close to our hearts, Freedom Cry is an anti-human trafficking group that is based in our hometown. They provide restoration bags to those who survived trafficking. It has a set of clothes, toiletries, and other items to make them feel like they have a home. They help facilitate counseling and find homes for the survivors too.
Get to know them more here.
Children of the Night

Led by Dr. Lois Lee, Children of the Night is devoted to saving children from prostitution. Dr. Lee has saved more than 10,000 children from this “industry” – more than any sex trafficking program. Her organization is privately funded and provides education to the survivors to lead more productive lives. In 2011, she opened WOW, a live online tutoring program for children and young people that were once victims of sexual exploitation.
Learn more about Dr. Lee and her organization here.
Shared Hope International

Another advocate against sex trafficking, Shared Hope International is determined to end this crime by preventing it, restoring the survivors, and bringing them the justice they deserve. They train and raise awareness in communities to avoid wasting the youth of today. SHI also has partners to help them in this mission. They enforce state laws to make sure the traffickers get caught and have a rehabilitation program for those who suffered.
Check what else they do here.
Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST)

Simply Earth is a family-run business and we are very much in touch with our spiritual side. That’s why FAAST is another organization that we love being partners with. They are a group of Christian organizations that work together to fight slavery and trafficking. They emulate the works of Jesus Christ by bringing justice and dignity to those who are oppressed. Exactly what Simply Earth is about!
See what else they do here.
ECPAT International

Present in 88 countries around the world, ECPAT International’s goal is to finally end the sexual exploitation of children. They do thorough research to have a full understanding of how this crime will be eradicated. They help strengthen national justice and protective services by having an evidence-based advocacy. Recently, INTERPOL honored ECPAT with a prestigious award for the work that they do.
Check them out here.
Grateful for Change!
We are not just a company that sells all-natural essential oils. We want to change the world by helping those who are helpless. We want them to experience life beautifully, and we can only do that by helping each other. That’s why each month we choose human trafficking organizations to partner and share 13% of our profits with. That is our way of helping–and you are part of it.
The Simply Earth Team is grateful for those who stick by us and continuously help us make the world a better place for the next generation. We are forever honored by your generosity!